Inlay Hint

Inlay Hint 请求

镶嵌提示请求从客户端发送到服务器,以计算给定 [text document, range] 元组的镶嵌提示,这些元组可以在编辑器中与其他文本一起呈现。


客户端能力(Client capability):

  • 属性路径: textDocument.inlayHint
  • 属性类型: InlayHintClientCapabilities, 定义如下:
 * Inlay hint client capabilities.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHintClientCapabilities {

	 * Whether inlay hints support dynamic registration.
	dynamicRegistration?: boolean;

	 * Indicates which properties a client can resolve lazily on an inlay
	 * hint.
	resolveSupport?: {

		 * The properties that a client can resolve lazily.
		properties: string[];

服务端能力(Server capability):

  • 属性路径: inlayHintProvider
  • 属性类型: InlayHintOptions, 定义如下:
 * Inlay hint options used during static registration.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHintOptions extends WorkDoneProgressOptions {
	 * The server provides support to resolve additional
	 * information for an inlay hint item.
	resolveProvider?: boolean;

注册选项(Registration Options): InlayHintRegistrationOptions, 定义如下:

 * Inlay hint options used during static or dynamic registration.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHintRegistrationOptions extends InlayHintOptions,
	TextDocumentRegistrationOptions, StaticRegistrationOptions {


  • method: "textDocument/inlayHint"
  • params: InlayHintParams, 定义如下:
 * A parameter literal used in inlay hint requests.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHintParams extends WorkDoneProgressParams {
	 * The text document.
	textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;

	 * The visible document range for which inlay hints should be computed.
	range: Range;


  • result: InlayHint[] | null, 定义如下:
 * Inlay hint information.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHint {

	 * The position of this hint.
	 * If multiple hints have the same position, they will be shown in the order
	 * they appear in the response.
	position: Position;

	 * The label of this hint. A human readable string or an array of
	 * InlayHintLabelPart label parts.
	 * *Note* that neither the string nor the label part can be empty.
	label: string | InlayHintLabelPart[];

	 * The kind of this hint. Can be omitted in which case the client
	 * should fall back to a reasonable default.
	kind?: InlayHintKind;

	 * Optional text edits that are performed when accepting this inlay hint.
	 * *Note* that edits are expected to change the document so that the inlay
	 * hint (or its nearest variant) is now part of the document and the inlay
	 * hint itself is now obsolete.
	 * Depending on the client capability `inlayHint.resolveSupport` clients
	 * might resolve this property late using the resolve request.
	textEdits?: TextEdit[];

	 * The tooltip text when you hover over this item.
	 * Depending on the client capability `inlayHint.resolveSupport` clients
	 * might resolve this property late using the resolve request.
	tooltip?: string | MarkupContent;

	 * Render padding before the hint.
	 * Note: Padding should use the editor's background color, not the
	 * background color of the hint itself. That means padding can be used
	 * to visually align/separate an inlay hint.
	paddingLeft?: boolean;

	 * Render padding after the hint.
	 * Note: Padding should use the editor's background color, not the
	 * background color of the hint itself. That means padding can be used
	 * to visually align/separate an inlay hint.
	paddingRight?: boolean;

	 * A data entry field that is preserved on an inlay hint between
	 * a `textDocument/inlayHint` and a `inlayHint/resolve` request.
	data?: LSPAny;
 * An inlay hint label part allows for interactive and composite labels
 * of inlay hints.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHintLabelPart {

	 * The value of this label part.
	value: string;

	 * The tooltip text when you hover over this label part. Depending on
	 * the client capability `inlayHint.resolveSupport` clients might resolve
	 * this property late using the resolve request.
	tooltip?: string | MarkupContent;

	 * An optional source code location that represents this
	 * label part.
	 * The editor will use this location for the hover and for code navigation
	 * features: This part will become a clickable link that resolves to the
	 * definition of the symbol at the given location (not necessarily the
	 * location itself), it shows the hover that shows at the given location,
	 * and it shows a context menu with further code navigation commands.
	 * Depending on the client capability `inlayHint.resolveSupport` clients
	 * might resolve this property late using the resolve request.
	location?: Location;

	 * An optional command for this label part.
	 * Depending on the client capability `inlayHint.resolveSupport` clients
	 * might resolve this property late using the resolve request.
	command?: Command;
 * Inlay hint kinds.
 * @since 3.17.0
export namespace InlayHintKind {

	 * An inlay hint that for a type annotation.
	export const Type = 1;

	 * An inlay hint that is for a parameter.
	export const Parameter = 2;

export type InlayHintKind = 1 | 2;
  • error: codemessage,以防在请求期间发生异常。

Inlay Hint Resolve 请求

从版本 3.17.0 开始

请求从客户端发送到服务器,以解析给定镶嵌提示的附加信息。这通常用于计算镶嵌提示的 label 部分的 tooltiplocationcommand 属性,以避免在 textDocument/inlayHint 请求期间进行不必要的计算。

假设客户端将 label.location 属性宣布为可以使用客户端能力延迟解析的属性:

textDocument.inlayHint.resolveSupport = { properties: ['label.location'] };

然后,需要使用 inlayHint/resolve 请求解析带有 没有 location 的 label 部分的镶嵌提示,然后才能使用。

客户端能力(Client capability):

  • 属性路径: textDocument.inlayHint.resolveSupport
  • 属性类型: { properties: string[]; }


  • method: "inlayHint/resolve"
  • params: InlayHint


  • result: InlayHint
  • error: codemessage,以防在请求期间发生异常。

Inlay Hint Refresh 请求

从版本 3.17.0 开始


客户端能力(Client capability):

  • 属性路径: workspace.inlayHint
  • 属性类型: InlayHintWorkspaceClientCapabilities, 定义如下:
 * Client workspace capabilities specific to inlay hints.
 * @since 3.17.0
export interface InlayHintWorkspaceClientCapabilities {
	 * Whether the client implementation supports a refresh request sent from
	 * the server to the client.
	 * Note that this event is global and will force the client to refresh all
	 * inlay hints currently shown. It should be used with absolute care and
	 * is useful for situation where a server for example detects a project wide
	 * change that requires such a calculation.
	refreshSupport?: boolean;


  • method: "workspace/inlayHint/refresh"
  • params: none


  • result: void
  • error: codemessage,以防在请求期间发生异常。