
从版本 3.16.0 开始

语言服务器索引格式(LSIF) 引入了 符号名称对象 的概念,以帮助跨不同索引关联符号。此请求为 LSP 服务器实现添加了功能,以便在给定文本文档位置的情况下提供相同的符号名称对象信息。客户端可以利用此方法获取用户正在编辑的文件的当前位置的名称,并在依赖于 LSIF 索引和链接符号的其他服务中执行进一步的代码导航查询。

请求从客户端发送到服务器,以获取给定文本文档位置的符号名称对象。将返回一个符号名称对象类型的数组作为响应,以指示给定位置可能的符合名称对象。如果无法计算符号名称对象,则应返回空数组或 null。

客户端能力(Client capability):

  • 属性路径: textDocument.moniker
  • 属性类型: MonikerClientCapabilities, 定义如下:
interface MonikerClientCapabilities {
	 * Whether implementation supports dynamic registration. If this is set to
	 * `true` the client supports the new `(TextDocumentRegistrationOptions &
	 * StaticRegistrationOptions)` return value for the corresponding server
	 * capability as well.
	dynamicRegistration?: boolean;

服务端能力(Server capability):

  • 属性路径: monikerProvider
  • 属性类型: boolean | MonikerOptions | MonikerRegistrationOptions, 定义如下:
export interface MonikerOptions extends WorkDoneProgressOptions {

注册选项(Registration Options): MonikerRegistrationOptions, 定义如下:

export interface MonikerRegistrationOptions extends
	TextDocumentRegistrationOptions, MonikerOptions {


  • method: "textDocument/moniker"
  • params: MonikerParams, 定义如下:
export interface MonikerParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams,
	WorkDoneProgressParams, PartialResultParams {


  • result: Moniker[] | null, 定义如下:
 * Moniker definition to match LSIF 0.5 moniker definition.
export interface Moniker {
	 * The scheme of the moniker. For example tsc or .Net
	scheme: string;

	 * The identifier of the moniker. The value is opaque in LSIF however
	 * schema owners are allowed to define the structure if they want.
	identifier: string;

	 * The scope in which the moniker is unique
	unique: UniquenessLevel;

	 * The moniker kind if known.
	kind?: MonikerKind;
 * Moniker uniqueness level to define scope of the moniker.
export enum UniquenessLevel {
	 * The moniker is only unique inside a document
	document = 'document',

	 * The moniker is unique inside a project for which a dump got created
	project = 'project',

	 * The moniker is unique inside the group to which a project belongs
	group = 'group',

	 * The moniker is unique inside the moniker scheme.
	scheme = 'scheme',

	 * The moniker is globally unique
	global = 'global'
 * The moniker kind.
export enum MonikerKind {
	 * The moniker represent a symbol that is imported into a project
	import = 'import',

	 * The moniker represents a symbol that is exported from a project
	export = 'export',

	 * The moniker represents a symbol that is local to a project (e.g. a local
	 * variable of a function, a class not visible outside the project, ...)
	local = 'local'
  • partial result: Moniker[]
  • error: codemessage,以防在请求期间发生异常。


此方法的服务器实现应确保名称对象计算与相应 LSIF 实现中使用的名称计算匹配,以确保符号可以在 IDE 会话和 LSIF 索引之间正确关联。